Tag Archives: Tickets Caminito del Rey 2022

Tickets for Caminito del Rey available for summer through to December 2022

The official website for the Caminito del Rey has now opened up Tickets for Caminito del Rey available for summer through to December 2022

Also included, and new for this next batch, is the availability to reserve car parking along with your entry ticket and shuttle bus at 2 euros per car. The car park is located next to the official information centre for the Caminito del Rey (Puerto de las Atalayas). Still not open to the public…

See here for instructions on booking your ticket: https://www.caminodelrey.es/the-booking-portal-for-the-caminito-del-rey-how-to-buy-an-entrance-ticket/

Read this if the date you want is not available: http://www.caminodelrey.es/no-tickets-for-the-caminito-left-online-no-problem-hopefully/

Tickets for Caminito del Rey available for summer through to December 2022

Wildside Holidays – Spain

The top wildlife, activity and walking holiday companies in Spain. Small family companies living and working in Spain. Local guides are the best!


Caminito del Rey Tickets available until june 19th 2022

From the 12 of January 2022 the online ticketing system for the Caminito del Rey will make tickets available until June 19th 2022

This is fantastic news as previously only 3 to 6 weeks in advance was possible making holiday planning difficult especially if you are visiting from abroad.

The official website is a bit more cleaner looking now and at the top left you can register an account whilst at the top right you will see the link to book a ticket. (Registration of an account is now an obligatory part of booking a ticket).

The updated instructions to get a ticket can be found here: https://www.caminodelrey.es/the-booking-portal-for-the-caminito-del-rey-how-to-buy-an-entrance-ticket/

If you can’t get a ticket for the dates that you want from the official reservation system then try Get Your Guide: https://www.caminodelrey.es/get-your-guide-for-the-caminito-del-rey/

Caminito del Rey Tickets available until june 19th 2022

Wildside Holidays – Spain

Take a trip on the Wildside! Discover the wildlife and nature of Spain, its Natural and National Parks and find the top wildlife, activity and walking holiday companies.

Caminito del Rey reopens 17 December 2021

Well, it looks like all the red tape and legal problems have finally been ironed out after a couple of months of uncertainty and the Caminito del Rey reopens 17 December 2021.

The lack of available information recently from any official sources has been a failure, in my opinion, as a simple statement posted on social feeds and a recorded message at the phone number would have sufficed to inform people as to the situation. https://www.caminodelrey.es/tickets-for-the-caminito-del-rey-in-december-yes-or-no/

Over the last couple of days the official website has had a bit of a makeover (and I expect to see more changes over the coming weeks). It is available in Spanish and English and also has added a “Subscribe to the Telegram channel” link at the bottom of all pages. (Telegram is a messaging app with over 500 million monthly active users and is one of the 10 most downloaded apps in the world). This will, presumably, be used to send important messages (such as closures due to bad weather) to subscribers alongside the main social network accounts of twitter and facebook.

The official website is a bit more cleaner looking now and at the top left you can register an account whilst at the top right you will see the link to book a ticket. (Registration of an account is now an obligatory part of booking a ticket).

All the original information and articles seem to be there, its just organised in a different way without left or right columns presumably with the intention of making it easier to navigate on a mobile phone.

The official website for booking tickets is here: https://www.caminitodelrey.info/

Plans are also being drawn up to finally open the visitor centre and huge car park that are at present in a terrible abandoned state and most probably the main reason that the people previously running the Caminito del Rey lost the contract to the new company. These two sites have been promised to open as soon as possible and will become the main area for information, buying tickets at the gate and parking for cars, coaches and buses. This in turn will take some traffic away from the kiosko/kings chair area which has become very congested and dangerous for pedestrians.

The updated instructions to get a ticket can be found here: https://www.caminodelrey.es/the-booking-portal-for-the-caminito-del-rey-how-to-buy-an-entrance-ticket/

If all else fails and you can’t get a ticket for the dates that you want from the official reservation system then try Get Your Guide: https://www.caminodelrey.es/get-your-guide-for-the-caminito-del-rey/

Please feel free to leave any comments about this post “Caminito del Rey reopens 17 December 2021”

The Grazalema Guide

The best way to see all our web projects in one place is over at the Grazalema Guide.

The Grazalema Guide – Tourist Information Portal for the Sierra de Grazalema, Wildside Holidays, The town of Ronda and the Caminito del Rey.


Tickets for the Caminito del Rey in December? Yes or no?

UPDATE: 11/12/2021… All being well, the Caminito del Rey will re open on the 17th of December. Various guiding companies are taking bookings from that date onwards. (Tickets are not yet available on the official reservation online system) You can see avalable guiding companies here: https://www.caminodelrey.es/get-your-guide-for-the-caminito-del-rey/

Finally, it seems there has been a solution to the conflict between the current company (Hermanos Campano-Bobastro 2000) and the new company (Sando, Salzillo Servicios Integrales and Mundo Management).

Earlier this spring the contract was awarded to Sando and co effectively evicting Hermanos Campano from running the Caminito del Rey. Hermanos Campano immediately started an appeal process in order to keep hold of the running of the Caminito del Rey, its Reception and Parking.

I have written previouslty about the terrible state of the parking and visitor centre that is all but abandoned so it comes as no surprise (to me at least) that the contract was awarded to a new company.

Sando was the construction company that rebuilt the famous walkway and even ran the site quite efficiently for the first few months after opening to the public. Now they have partnered with two other companies, one that specialise in paperwork etc and the other, Mundo Management, is a market leader in ticket management and concerts.

So, last week at the monthly Malaga city council meeting, the appeal by Hermanos Campo was rejected and the project was officially awarded to Sando and co. Just waiting, apparently, for the contracts to be signed!

So will the Caminito del Rey start selling tickets for December 2022?

Who knows to be honest, the official facebook page for the Camito del Rey has deleted all the posts and comments back to the 7th of November. The official twitter account is tweeting useless tweets of “advice” and not answering any questions especially about tickets for December. It all seems a bit cloak and dagger to be honest 🙂

One has to assume that after signing the contract there will have to be some time for transition to a new staff system etc or maybe they will keep on all existing staff for the time being and open the Caminito del Rey for the month of December. I am looking forward to seeing the visitor centre open and, I guess, this was one of the important factors in the project of Sando and co.

One thing is sure, as soon as I find out that tickets are available I will let you all know and publish it here and across my social networks….

Wildside Holidays – Spain

Take a trip on the Wildside! Discover the wildlife and nature of Spain, its Natural and National Parks and find the top wildlife, activity and walking holiday companies.