Some people seem to be a bit confused about the Caminito del Rey rules and regulations and some have even been stopped from entering because they have the wrong type of rucksack or refuse to give up their selfie stick.
So here is a basic list of rules
Hours of opening:
From October 31st to March 31st (winter) and from April 1st to November 1st (summer).
The gates open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (winter time ) and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (summer).
The pathway will allow 50 people at half hour intervals to enter from the access point (Lakes, Kings chair, Kiosko bar.) There is no access from the El Chorro side. The maximum number of people allowed to be on the path at any one time is 400
The path is closed on Mondays plus December 24th, 25th and 31st, and January 1st.
The most important rules
- For organised groups the maximum is 50 people plus the guide.
- Children under 8 years old are not allowed. (Visitors over the age of 8 and under 18 must be accompanied by an adult and provide proof of age through an ID, passport, family book or equivalent so it can be verified along the route by Staff. Plus, adults must always carry a proof of age document as it will be required in order to enter and exit the path)
- The route is LINEAR so you can’t walk there and back. (If you have parked your car by the lake, kings chair, kiosko bar area then you get a shuttle bus back from El Chorro where the Caminito del Rey pathway ends.)
- The total length of the Caminito del Rey is 7.7 kms. The actual elevated route is almost 5 kms and the rest the access footpaths. Estimated time for walking the path is about 4.5 hours.
- There are no toilet facilities along the path. (Toilets at the start point).
- There is no where to buy food or water (bring your own and
Picnicing along the pathway is not allowed). - The path is not recommended if you are afraid of heights or are generally unfit.
- Safety helmets will be provided at the start of the Camino del Rey and must be worn at all times.
- You cannot carry large rucksacks. (The kind backpackers use). Only a small rucksack to carry water and other essentials is allowed.
- Umbrellas are not allowed 🙂
- Selfie sticks are not allowed
- No pets allowed.
There are lots of other Caminito del Rey rules and regulations but the above cover the most important ones. Funnily enough, you aren’t allowed to scatter the ashes of your favorite Grandmother along the Caminito and neither are you allowed to take your clothes or shoes off
Seriously no ash scattering or stripping please! 🙂
Wildside Holidays – Spain
The top wildlife, activity and walking holiday companies in Spain. Small family companies living and working in Spain. Local guides are the best!
I’ve been living in this lovely area of Western Andalucia for the last 20 years or so and dedicate most of my time to the running of English language tourist information websites for the towns of Cádiz, Ronda, Grazalema, the famous or infamous Caminito del Rey, and also Wildside Holidays, which promotes sustainable and eco-friendly businesses running wildlife and walking holidays in Spain. My articles contain affiliate links that will help you reserve a hotel, bus, train or activity in the area. You don’t pay more, but by using them you do support this website. Thankyou!
Can I have my own professional hiking helmet?
What a great question…. I have no answer to it! 🙂 Have you tried contacting the official site?
Please let me know how you get on and if they answer you.
Hi. Can I fly my Drone in there? I have certificate from Easa and Insurance. Can I use my camera with tripod? Thanks
Hi Anderson…. According to the official rules you can’t enter with a tripod or fly a drone…
Taking photos or videos with a tripod or using cameras and equipment that can block other visitors’ way without explicit premission from management.
As this Natural Beauty Spot is an important bird sanctuary it is absolutely forbidden to use drones or similar machines, except when authorized by the correspondent environmental consultancy.
We are thinking of doing the walk in late December how will the weather be? Do you think it will be too cold to enjoy it?
December is very often cool with blue skies. There is always the chance of rain anywhere though in the winter… Just wear appropriate clothing and you will be fine
My brother is law is booked today for the Cominto del rey walk but is too ill today to go. Is it possible for me to take his place if I take my NIE number et..
Hi Deborah, I am thinking that its very short notice and getting through to the people at the Malaga town council might be difficult… You could try to send a message here…. You could try turning up and explaining the situation to the people at the entrance I suppose. Best of luck and let me know how you get on….
We have a reservation at the Posada del Conde the night before we would like to walk the Caminto – do I still need a separate reservation as I think I have understood the hotel to say that the take care of this. …..
Hi, I just called the hotel Posada del conde and have emailed you. let me know how it works out….
Thank you for all the infro.
Is it necessary to wear a climbing harnesses as previously
Hi Paul, No there is no need for a harness to walk the new Caminito del Rey… You need to get your permit online at http://www.caminitodelrey,info and when you arrive at the walk you will be given a safety hat to wear… Thats all there is to it 🙂